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Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:37 pm
by Park Life

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:37 pm
by Mark Sweet
DartfordHero wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:32 pm I am listening to the interview with the manager and the first thing he says is that the performance today was fine. Is he serious? I dont think anyone walking out the ground today thought the performance today was fine. Then to go on and claim the defenders for not scoring? How about we get some attackers who can pose a threat up the other end and not rely on our own set pieces to try and sneak a goal at the moment. We are carrying 5-6 players each game at the moment
To be fair he also spends half the interview talking about our lack of defending at set pieces and overall defensive shape, which to me is one of our main issues.

I do agree with him, We should be better at attacking set pieces, we rarely make them count and Connor's chance especially was a sitter that should be in the back of the net, defender or not.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:38 pm
by Top Cat
Spike wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:09 pm This is definitely a "sleep on it before posting" kind of day.
Pleasant dreams 🤣

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:41 pm
by KentC.
DartfordHero wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:32 pm I am listening to the interview with the manager and the first thing he says is that the performance today was fine. Is he serious? I dont think anyone walking out the ground today thought the performance today was fine. Then to go on and claim the defenders for not scoring? How about we get some attackers who can pose a threat up the other end and not rely on our own set pieces to try and sneak a goal at the moment. We are carrying 5-6 players each game at the moment
I haven’t seen interview. I hope you got it wrong.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:57 pm
by Babylon
I have to agree, today we were abysmal!
There was simply nothing to even bother our opponents and for someone who is yet to see us win under Dowson I am not convinced that there is not enough quality in this squad to make any progress on the pitch.
Some of these players are disappointing to say the least and to me it looks like mid table mediocrity at best.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:24 pm
by rambo
As others have said what a load of tripe
Firstly I would say what is the manager playing at. Signs someone on a months loan and doesn’t start him. The player is only here a month just start him. Bringing him on with 25 minutes to go is a joke , chasing the game to impress then you get that. Probably won’t see him again now
The only bright spark was Charlie winning every ball played to him but sadly at the moment the players around him can’t judge where the ball will land when he nods it on

What is our problem , when the ball is in our box it usually looks like we will concede. Why is that, our defenders are fairly solid?
I am pretty sure when our midfielders are in defensive positions they are absolute pants and of no help to the defence
When you watch other teams when they are under the cosh they have 9 players behind the ball putting their bodies on the line, we don’t do that
Sadly we only have Sami who is worth a light. Get rid of the rest
Dowse has to ask himself how he put this squad together, it is a disgrace and very alarming

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:35 pm
by Tony H
Right, unlike me to be so negative, but this season is getting beyond a joke already. Nobody knows, from game to game, what sort of performance we’re going to put on and whether we win or lose.

To lose to them today, and no disrespect to Beckenham but they were not a good team, was frankly unacceptable. Somebody has commented before, and I agree, we played with absolutely ZERO passion and desire. AgainI say, UNACCEPTABLe!

Quite what Dowse does now I don’t know, but something has to change before any longer.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:25 pm
by The Duke
Does nothing for Dowse's credability with the fans to hear him say " todays performance was fine ", " NO IT F.....G WASNT , so do something about it by wielding the axe and getting rid of the players who are clearly NOT up to it and bring in some class , a pacey winger[ or 2] and a proven striker to play alongside Charlie Sheringham [ who at 35 showed the rest of the team up today ] would be a start !!!
I am [ still] pro Dowse but IF he continues to do F... all then I have to admit that he has lost the plot as it is obvious[ and results confirm it] that the current squad are just NOT good enough !!!!

I want Dowse and the Darts to do well but todays performance [?] and result was nothing short of embarrassing !!!!

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:45 pm
by KentC.
Park Life wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:37 pm

Performance wise was fine? Wow!

Everything is the defensives fault?

Attacking we’re fine?

I’m struggling with this unless I’ve understood it wrong. He’s named a few including Bonnor and says we have no leaders. Tom Bonnor is not a leader?

Also defending starts from the front, our midfield was so poor yet again that Connor and Tom have to deal with far more than they should.
So many opposition runners not tracked over and over again every game, this puts Tom and Connor under extra unnecessary pressure time and again.

This interview is terrible and needs to elaborate if wants to be critical of the defensive side at a time when our midfield is often lazy and definitely not giving their all, you can see this today, and an attack that is not exactly on fire.

Defend as a team and protect your back four and goalkeeper as a basic starting point. This doesn’t happen.

As for Charlie he did so well winning almost every header but how many second balls did we win and create a threat from.

His interview is almost as bad as his team’s performance

I went home from the game thinking it’s still early, it’s still early, but when I hear interviews like this I’m sick of excuses for constantly terrible performances

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:00 pm
by Mark Sweet
KentC. wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:45 pm
Park Life wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:37 pm

Performance wise was fine? Wow!

Everything is the defensives fault?

Attacking we’re fine?

I’m struggling with this unless I’ve understood it wrong. He’s named a few including Bonnor and says we have no leaders. Tom Bonnor is not a leader?

Also defending starts from the front, our midfield was so poor yet again that Connor and Tom have to deal with far more than they should.
So many opposition runners not tracked over and over again every game, this puts Tom and Connor under extra unnecessary pressure time and again.

This interview is terrible and needs to elaborate if wants to be critical of the defensive side at a time when our midfield is often lazy and definitely not giving their all, you can see this today, and an attack that is not exactly on fire.

Defend as a team and protect your back four and goalkeeper as a basic starting point. This doesn’t happen.

As for Charlie he did so well winning almost every header but how many second balls did we win and create a threat from.

His interview is almost as bad as his team’s performance

I went home from the game thinking it’s still early, it’s still early, but when I hear interviews like this I’m sick of excuses for constantly terrible performances
He does correct himself and say Bonner is a leader and is vocal on the pitch giving everything for the shirt but we need more which is spot on.

Agreed the midfield has been poor for a while, that is the area that needs the urgent attention in my opinion.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:29 pm
by Sleightly Deceptive
Park Life wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:37 pm
I kinda appreciate why he’s tying to be open with the fans - but, imho, along with his karaoke, most of his comments need to stay within the dressing room. And Dowse just get on with his job and quit with the fluff and ‘drinking with the fans in the bar’ mentality. I really don’t want that!!

My patience is wearing thin. We’re now near the significant ‘ten game’ and ‘end of September’ issue. We missed a Welling game, performed very well at Dover and are at a fine 50% balance in the league and have missed out on an FAC wedge. The next two league games are HUGE, Dowse. DO YOUR JOB! I’m right behind you. For now. But, if ever you have an inkling that you can’t, and it’s too much, do the right thing. This is DARTFORD.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:58 pm
by The 5th Searcher
I’m afraid that after watching that interview I’ve come to the conclusion that Dowse is nothing but full of waffle & my opinion won’t change on that UNTIL he actually starts to do something about it.
He keeps saying it’s the defences fault and we have problems at the back, well if that’s the case then bloody well do something about it. Drop those that are causing the problems and bring in new defenders that will fight for the cause and strengthen the back line, but don’t keep waffling on about that being the issue but doing sod all about it.

We are currently playing as a bunch of individuals or strangers, we aren’t playing as a team at all. Dowse now needs to start concentrating 110% on the 1st team and nothing else I’m afraid.
We’ve got to many players that are purely playing for the wage packet each week instead of playing for the team & its fans.

No more loan signings make sure they are good enough & strong enough and want to actually play for DFC and the shirt.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:01 am
JCJ wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:46 pm
Mark Sweet wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:25 pm What an absolute disaster that was.
We can blame the ref for some things, such as the pen we should've had and the red card but that's no excuse

We can't defend set pieces, every game I go to We seem to concede from then and it's cost us once again today.

Their keeper was injured from 5 minutes , the few times we did test him he parried everything back into danger , why we didn't shoot more often I don't know.

Midfield seemed to be the main issue for me, the defenders were stepping out and doing the midfielders job. Murtagh should've been taken off at half time yet saw out the 90.

My MOTM was Charlie, did his job very well shame nobody else around him did

I've not been this angry after a game for a while. I didnt think it could get worse than Sudbury.

And for the fans turning on Dowse after the game, you're a disgrace, he's barely been in the job and took over late anyway. Give the man a chance before slagging him off with your "Bring back Kingy" shouts.
Unfortunately when you sack a successful manager your going to get this
Remind me what king won?

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:10 am
by The 5th Searcher
JCJ wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:46 pm
Mark Sweet wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:25 pm What an absolute disaster that was.
We can blame the ref for some things, such as the pen we should've had and the red card but that's no excuse

We can't defend set pieces, every game I go to We seem to concede from then and it's cost us once again today.

Their keeper was injured from 5 minutes , the few times we did test him he parried everything back into danger , why we didn't shoot more often I don't know.

Midfield seemed to be the main issue for me, the defenders were stepping out and doing the midfielders job. Murtagh should've been taken off at half time yet saw out the 90.

My MOTM was Charlie, did his job very well shame nobody else around him did

I've not been this angry after a game for a while. I didnt think it could get worse than Sudbury.

And for the fans turning on Dowse after the game, you're a disgrace, he's barely been in the job and took over late anyway. Give the man a chance before slagging him off with your "Bring back Kingy" shouts.
Unfortunately when you sack a successful manager your going to get this
Exactly how was Steve King successful?

If your talking about reaching the play off’s each time then yes BUT each time we lost in the play off’s as well and never once got promoted.

If your talking about silverware then yes, we won 2 Noddy Cups in the Kent Senior Trophy and also the London Cup BUT nothing major and we failed each season in the FA Competitions and generally early on as well.

Dowse needs to sort things out & fast and start trying to build HIS team.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:15 am
Winning The Kent senior cup is like winning the speedboat on bull’s-eye.🤣

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:06 am
by Spike
I understand why some people want to turn this into a King v Dowson debate, but whether you agree with King's sacking or not, the fact is that Dowse is manager and we are where we are ... and where we are at the moment is not a particularly good place.

Yesterday's performance was embarrassing. We were outplayed by a team two levels below us and we thoroughly deserved to get dumped out of the cup. You can use the penalty appeal and the sending off as smokescreens if you like, but in my view we were simply not good enough and Beckenham were the better team. If the performance wasn't bad enough, I found Dowse's interview even more disappointing as he appeared to blame this and other defeats entirely on our defence and (astonishingly in my opinion) seems to think we are fine going forward. It seemed to me that he was inferring that the core players he inherited have let down his new signings which, in my opinion, is the exact opposite of what's actually been happening. I'm not sure how Dowse's interviews go down in the dressing room, they do seem to be a bit contradictory from week to week and I can't imagine it helps much. Personally I think it would be better if this wasn't done until the next day when it might be a bit easier to control the emotions and answer questions more thoughtfully.

In my view, the biggest failure this season has been recruitment. We lost some very good players and have replaced them with average ones. We have no width whatsoever, no pace anywhere in the squad and no bite in midfield. Other than the occasional jaunt forward by Campbell and the odd bit of wizardry by Carruthers, there is no flair in the team and even those two lack any sort of consistency. Up front we pose very little threat and the only player who looks remotely like a centre-forward is 34 year old Charlie Sheringham, my MOTM. If things weren't bad enough already, I'm now hearing that last year's runaway player of the season (Wilks) is going to be out for a lot longer than expected.

With the squad as it stands, I wouldn't bet on us finishing higher than somewhere around 10th-12th. Of course, there is still plenty of time to turn things around, but I honestly don't think this is going to happen without some serious upgrades to the squad. My biggest fear is that if it doesn't happen quickly and we suffer more disappointing days like yesterday, this could result in heads dropping and things could go downhill very rapidly.

I desperately want to see Dowse turn things around, he has a decent track record and I'm still backing him 100%, but I and many others have felt from the outset that the quality of the squad is significantly down on last season and as worried as I was on the eve of this campaign, my fears are growing deeper with every passing game.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:37 am
by DA Mikey
Simplified, we lose 2-1 unless it’s Dover.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:03 am
by Harry
Very poor result, very poor performance. Club lost out on income.

It's a little frustrating as we do seem to be inconsistent, but I do think Dowse has a big job on his hands to turn this around.

Congratulations to Beckenham I hope they get a decent draw, first time they have made it to the 3Q round, which puts it into perspective in terms of the level of the performance/result for them.

In terms of the game we were poor, from my perspective we didn't look particularly good in an attacking sense.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:59 am
by KentC.
Spike wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:06 am I understand why some people want to turn this into a King v Dowson debate, but whether you agree with King's sacking or not, the fact is that Dowse is manager and we are where we are ... and where we are at the moment is not a particularly good place.

Yesterday's performance was embarrassing. We were outplayed by a team two levels below us and we thoroughly deserved to get dumped out of the cup. You can use the penalty appeal and the sending off as smokescreens if you like, but in my view we were simply not good enough and Beckenham were the better team. If the performance wasn't bad enough, I found Dowse's interview even more disappointing as he appeared to blame this and other defeats entirely on our defence and (astonishingly in my opinion) seems to think we are fine going forward. It seemed to me that he was inferring that the core players he inherited have let down his new signings which, in my opinion, is the exact opposite of what's actually been happening. I'm not sure how Dowse's interviews go down in the dressing room, they do seem to be a bit contradictory from week to week and I can't imagine it helps much. Personally I think it would be better if this wasn't done until the next day when it might be a bit easier to control the emotions and answer questions more thoughtfully.

In my view, the biggest failure this season has been recruitment. We lost some very good players and have replaced them with average ones. We have no width whatsoever, no pace anywhere in the squad and no bite in midfield. Other than the occasional jaunt forward by Campbell and the odd bit of wizardry by Carruthers, there is no flair in the team and even those two lack any sort of consistency. Up front we pose very little threat and the only player who looks remotely like a centre-forward is 34 year old Charlie Sheringham, my MOTM. If things weren't bad enough already, I'm now hearing that last year's runaway player of the season (Wilks) is going to be out for a lot longer than expected.

With the squad as it stands, I wouldn't bet on us finishing higher than somewhere around 10th-12th. Of course, there is still plenty of time to turn things around, but I honestly don't think this is going to happen without some serious upgrades to the squad. My biggest fear is that if it doesn't happen quickly and we suffer more disappointing days like yesterday, this could result in heads dropping and things could go downhill very rapidly.

I desperately want to see Dowse turn things around, he has a decent track record and I'm still backing him 100%, but I and many others have felt from the outset that the quality of the squad is significantly down on last season and as worried as I was on the eve of this campaign, my fears are growing deeper with every passing game.

As ever very well said.

I want to support dowse 100% but I’m still struggling with it this morning. My attitude has been give him time , he needs time, too early to judge etc etc. Then I watched that interview and was so disappointed with him. Now my attitude is friggin sort it out. My patience has turned to impatient.

Re: FA Cup 2nd round qualifying Dartford v Beckenham Town Sat 17 Sep 2022

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:05 am
by Park Life
With regards to the squad, 8 of the 14 players involved yesterday are Dowse's signings.