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Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 6:04 pm
by sbarker
KentC. wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 5:35 pm
Tony H wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 12:24 pm What I find totally bewildering about said post is that it hasn’t appeared on any of DFC’s socials yet the individual chose to post those comments on a rival clubs forum 🤔. Beggars belief!!

If he’s genuine
The link that I posted was clearly from the "National League South Forum". Yes, it appeared on the Ebbsfleet forum by poster "Mick Bowra", who also supplied the link from the National League South Forum. Here is the link again: ... t1857.html
It has SFA to do with the Ebbsfleet forum.

That said "johndfc1" that posted it said he's the tannoy announcer at DFC.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 7:24 pm
sbarker wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:04 pm
KentC. wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 5:35 pm
Tony H wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 12:24 pm What I find totally bewildering about said post is that it hasn’t appeared on any of DFC’s socials yet the individual chose to post those comments on a rival clubs forum 🤔. Beggars belief!!

If he’s genuine
The link that I posted was clearly from the "National League South Forum". Yes, it appeared on the Ebbsfleet forum by poster "Mick Bowra", who also supplied the link from the National League South Forum. Here is the link in again: ... t1857.html
It has SFA to do with the Ebbsfleet forum.

That said "johndfc1" that posted it said he's the tannoy announcer at DFC.
He is entitled to his opinion like everyone else just some people don’t agree with what was said doesn’t make him right or wrong.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 7:44 pm
by KentC.
BRASSNECK wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:24 pm
sbarker wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:04 pm
KentC. wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 5:35 pm

If he’s genuine
The link that I posted was clearly from the "National League South Forum". Yes, it appeared on the Ebbsfleet forum by poster "Mick Bowra", who also supplied the link from the National League South Forum. Here is the link in again: ... t1857.html
It has SFA to do with the Ebbsfleet forum.

That said "johndfc1" that posted it said he's the tannoy announcer at DFC.
He is entitled to his opinion like everyone else just some people don’t agree with what was said doesn’t make him right or wrong.

My point is if the guy who posted on the Vanarama site is he genuinely telling the truth. He’s gone into detail.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 8:01 pm
KentC. wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:44 pm
BRASSNECK wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:24 pm
sbarker wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:04 pm

The link that I posted was clearly from the "National League South Forum". Yes, it appeared on the Ebbsfleet forum by poster "Mick Bowra", who also supplied the link from the National League South Forum. Here is the link in again: ... t1857.html
It has SFA to do with the Ebbsfleet forum.

That said "johndfc1" that posted it said he's the tannoy announcer at DFC.
He is entitled to his opinion like everyone else just some people don’t agree with what was said doesn’t make him right or wrong.

My point is if the guy who posted on the Vanarama site is he genuinely telling the truth. He’s gone into detail.
I dont think he would say if he did not believe it.
The post from pink panther was interesting did you read his post.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 9:20 pm
by Ken Shabby
My view for what it's worth is broadly in line with @Grassbank. I think the constant changing of personel did us few favours (but from far away, I didn't realise we had major injury problems this season, which would have made it more logical). But I think we were going in the right direction. Had we got past Chippenham, we had beaten (and lost to) both Ebbsfleet and Dorking so the chance was definately there (funnily, I believe we didn't beat Chippenham last season). But KIng had us very much as a team to beat at the top end of the table. Getting rid of a quite successful manager (and let's remember Peter Taylor failed to get us promoted and is a big fan favourite) is dangerous. The previous duo were easeily replaced as they were doing so badly, but the fans - even those who are happy to see Kingy leave - will expect us to progress. And that's a big ask, and will need players and a smart manager. I don't envy the board trying to find a better manager, though the breed undoubtedly exist.

We move on. Good luck Steve King.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 9:49 pm
by V184
I would be asking who allowed King to carry on in such a reckless way considering his awful past record, i would guess what finished him was his expenses bill probably everything from the furr coat to extortionate meals etc all paid for by dfc.
Whoever comes in next has got a hell of a job clearing up his mess !

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 10:51 pm
by Skip
V184 wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 9:49 pm I would be asking who allowed King to carry on in such a reckless way considering his awful past record, i would guess what finished him was his expenses bill probably everything from the furr coat to extortionate meals etc all paid for by dfc.
Whoever comes in next has got a hell of a job clearing up his mess !
No one’s interested in your thoughts on Mr King but I tell you what we would love to know how your expensively compiled squad managed to fall short? Not great considering your lot is full time with a mini Jurgen Klopp as manager. I wonder how much longer your Middle Eastern backer will continue to bankroll the annual loses? How much was it last time? £1.5m Anyway, perhaps you can start that subject up on the Ebbsfleet forum and provide the link so we can all provide our two penneth worth or not…

Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 11:26 pm
by Park Life
Waited to reflect on the events of the last few days as i can't deny i was shocked.

First of all i would like to thank Kingy for his efforts at the club because whether you are for or against him nobody can deny we were in an absolute mess when he took over and he totally transformed the playing side of things. We played some excellent football under him and he signed some quality players. Yes we finished this season with indifferent form and that probably was a main factor in our play off defeat but overall his stats for us were very impressive and for that i think he deserves a lot of credit, i also expected him to be in charge next season.

I'm not going to comment on events off the pitch because i don't think it reflects well on anyone but i will say that the board members i know personally i have complete trust and respect for and believe they will always act in the best interests of the club, so they have my support. I am also certain they are desperate for us to get promoted and go as far as we possibly can, do not doubt that.

I would be very wary of comments posted on social media about our club from outside "interested parties" as there seems to be a few who take great pleasure in stirring the old pot, disappointingly this includes some people close to the club as well as the obvious fans of other clubs having a wind up. This is one of the main reasons i steer well clear of social media although i do still get sent some of these posts. I'm therefore glad that our clubs twitter page takes a more professional approach than a few other clubs in our division!!

As for the budget, do not listen to any of the crap being spouted off as i have it on very good authority that we kept to our overall seasons budget and does any real DFC supporter actually believe our board of directors would put our club financially at risk. So even though there are a few teams with larger budgets i am well informed ours is competitive for the division and when you consider we finished fourth behind three of the full time teams that is some achievement.

It seems Kingy was a marmite character amongst darts fans but as I only met him personally a few times very briefly i'm not in a position to judge but i do know that some never wanted him at the club in the first place, never gave him a chance and wanted him out. Well "they've got their club back " but we need to remember there are a few thousand people associated with DFC quite a few who just attend games and are probably only interested in results on the pitch so i really hope we get a top quality appointment and get a good start to the season as they may become restless very easily. Like him or not Kingy virtually guarantees you a play off spot every season with a decent shout of automatic promotion so it is imperative the board can move fast in getting a quality replacement in so we have the best chance of assembling a decent squad and challenging at the top.


Re: Steve King

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 11:59 pm
by Spike
Crikey, catching up on all these posts took a while. I must admit I was stunned when I first heard this news, but the more I thought about it, the less surprising it actually seemed. There is no doubt that Kingy is the best manager we have EVER had when it comes to sourcing players. The overall quality he has brought to our club far exceeds that of anyone I've seen in over half a century of supporting the club. On the days when it's clicked, some of the football we have played has been breath-taking and even when it hasn't clicked, the fact remains that we have been consistently up or around the top of the table. And contrary to what so many people like to say, I have been consistently assured by trusted friends on the board, that he hasn't blown the budget. I'm not saying he wasn't constantly badgering for more, but I am confident that they would have always kept things in check. That seemed a good model to work with in my opinion, the manager doing his job by constantly trying to improve the team and the board, where necessary, reigning him in as it is their job to safeguard the future of the club. I've always believed that no manager can ever ruin a club unless the board allow him to do so. When you have people like Steve Irving and Tony Burman at the helm, that is never going to happen.

I would like to thank Steve King for his efforts and the success we have seen on the pitch. Personally, I am sad that it has come to this because for the majority of fans, results are the main criteria and Kingy's presence would have virtually guaranteed being in the top 3 or 4 again next season. Whoever takes over is going to have a lot of expectation on his shoulders.

Having said that, as Park Life said, there is no denying that Kingy is very much a Marmite character and does seem to rub a lot of people up the wrong way. So many individuals seem to have a real axe to grind and although I was disappointed that some were already grinding it before he even arrived, his opponents do seem to have grown in number and there is a lot of disharmony at the club at the moment, much of it from people that I trust and respect. Even some of his players had been making comments on social media recently, which suggest they weren't entirely on board with King either, so if our board have made this decision then I am sure it's in the club's best interests and they certainly get my support.

The important thing now is to get the right person in to do the job. I understand all the stuff about King not being the "best fit for our club", but I sincerely hope that the appointment is made on the basis of achieving maximum success on the pitch because that is what 99% of the 1300 or so that turn up on a match day are interested in.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 12:18 pm
by KentC.
V184 wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 9:49 pm I would be asking who allowed King to carry on in such a reckless way considering his awful past record, i would guess what finished him was his expenses bill probably everything from the furr coat to extortionate meals etc all paid for by dfc.
Whoever comes in next has got a hell of a job clearing up his mess !

You finished 2 points ahead with an inferior goal difference. It looked like you’d come below us until the last day so not too much mess. . So fleet have had a great season according to your lot and we are shite. I see you’re all targeting the title? I know you guys are deluded but you’re taking it too far and tbh with your budget you didn’t do too well in the end.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 12:31 pm
by V184
KentC. wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 12:18 pm
V184 wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 9:49 pm I would be asking who allowed King to carry on in such a reckless way considering his awful past record, i would guess what finished him was his expenses bill probably everything from the furr coat to extortionate meals etc all paid for by dfc.
Whoever comes in next has got a hell of a job clearing up his mess !

You finished 2 points ahead with an inferior goal difference. It looked like you’d come below us until the last day so not too much mess. . So fleet have had a great season according to your lot and we are shite. I see you’re all targeting the title? I know you guys are deluded but you’re taking it too far and tbh with your budget you didn’t do too well in the end.
This thread isnt about Ebbsfleets goal difference or you being shite please keep up the clues in the title "Steve King" who by all accounts has been a naughty boy & not for the first time :lol:

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 1:26 pm
by Babylon
More important things than the exit our manager...IMHO we will.need to get the new manager in place sooner rather than later for obvious reasons
Eg....players contracts and hopefully building a squad of to go again in August.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 2:10 pm
by V184
Babylon wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 1:26 pm More important things than the exit our manager...IMHO we will.need to get the new manager in place sooner rather than later for obvious reasons
Eg....players contracts and hopefully building a squad of to go again in August.
Exactly Babylon, Kentcs childish comments dont really achieve anything apart from make himself look stupid

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 2:23 pm
by Park Life
V184 wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 2:10 pm
Babylon wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 1:26 pm More important things than the exit our manager...IMHO we will.need to get the new manager in place sooner rather than later for obvious reasons
Eg....players contracts and hopefully building a squad of to go again in August.
Exactly Babylon, Kentcs childish comments dont really achieve anything apart from make himself look stupid
Keep calm lads, we don't need any FLARE ups on here 😉

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 2:46 pm
by Tony H
It’ll be Auf Wiedersehen, Pet to Dennis if Ebbsfleet don’t win them the League next season!!!

Let’s worry about what we’re doing than what’s going on down the road. Far more important (and interesting) after all.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by Ajaxman DFC
Following the FLARE up of the season the other week I'm looking forward to next seasons Xmas and New Year derby games already.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 6:38 pm
by Spike
I've often wondered what inspires someone to light a flare at a football match. Is it that they feel neglected in their everyday lives and derive some sort of comfort from the ensuing attention or is it that they just like looking at the pretty clouds of smoke? I've given it a lot of thought and done a lot of research and have found there is a scientifically verified reason for doing this. It's called being an idiot. We've had a couple of idiots setting off flares ourselves, but if one had cost us promotion like the Fleet, he would probably have had to go into hiding.

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:40 pm
by V184
Tony H wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 2:46 pm It’ll be Auf Wiedersehen, Pet to Dennis if Ebbsfleet don’t win them the League next season!!!

Let’s worry about what we’re doing than what’s going on down the road. Far more important (and interesting) after all.
Hes got a two year contract :roll: we believe in stability ;)

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:44 pm
by V184
Spike wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 6:38 pm I've often wondered what inspires someone to light a flare at a football match. Is it that they feel neglected in their everyday lives and derive some sort of comfort from the ensuing attention or is it that they just like looking at the pretty clouds of smoke? I've given it a lot of thought and done a lot of research and have found there is a scientifically verified reason for doing this. It's called being an idiot. We've had a couple of idiots setting off flares ourselves, but if one had cost us promotion like the Fleet, he would probably have had to go into hiding.
More a case of a sh1t ref :twisted: (like your ex manager :lol: )

Re: Steve King

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:50 pm
by Mark Sweet
V184 wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 7:40 pm
Tony H wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 2:46 pm It’ll be Auf Wiedersehen, Pet to Dennis if Ebbsfleet don’t win them the League next season!!!

Let’s worry about what we’re doing than what’s going on down the road. Far more important (and interesting) after all.
Hes got a two year contract :roll: we believe in stability ;)
King had a contract until 2024, what is your point? You're looking more stupid every post you make