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Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:53 pm
by KentC
The reason why Spike and PL want very obvious there for all to see specific examples of what Chatham do that would financially help us, and the reason why PL plays down Chathams achievements to get the community together is because Chathams brilliant rise has put your board to shame and are a complete embarrassment to them.
PL is on very friendly terms with the board so will defend them in a way where he thinks you don’t realise he is but half a brain can see that slap bang in front of you, it happens a lot.
As for PL being the fans representative to the board , I think it’s a terrible idea as he is so biased in support of them.
I always loved PLs posts since the first time I started reading them but his very well articulated views and now been tainted by his relationship with some of the board.
His opinions and views are extremely biased in their favour.
It’s a big shame because PLs posts were always one of if not the best posts regularly on here.


Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:12 pm
by Tall Dart
Maybe the club could choose certain games to try and boost the attendance, by offering someone who pays to get in on the door (or season ticket holder), a buy one get one half price voucher?


Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:25 pm
by Park Life
KentC wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 9:53 pm The reason why Spike and PL want very obvious there for all to see specific examples of what Chatham do that would financially help us, and the reason why PL plays down Chathams achievements to get the community together is because Chathams brilliant rise has put your board to shame and are a complete embarrassment to them.
PL is on very friendly terms with the board so will defend them in a way where he thinks you don’t realise he is but half a brain can see that slap bang in front of you, it happens a lot.
As for PL being the fans representative to the board , I think it’s a terrible idea as he is so biased in support of them.
I always loved PLs posts since the first time I started reading them but his very well articulated views and now been tainted by his relationship with some of the board.
His opinions and views are extremely biased in their favour.
It’s a big shame because PLs posts were always one of if not the best posts regularly on here.
We've not had a decent chat for a while Kent :lol: :lol:

First of all it's no secret that me and Spike are brothers but if you came to an away game with us in the car you wouldn't believe it as we rarely see eye to eye on anything :lol: :lol:

In response to the Chatham debate. I've not played down their community achievements as i completely understand the importance of that, which is why i suggested some recently to the club. But other than Chatham getting some financial backing (which obviously helps), i genuinely don't have any idea what they are doing any different? But people keep commenting on this and how they are doing things but can't give any specifics?
So i think it's fair to ask so we can learn form them but up until now nobody can give any examples and this was exactly what this thread was supposed to be all about.

I'm not on "friendly terms with the board" as i don't know most of them but have never made it a secret i have known one or two of them for donkeys years as i've stood on the terraces with them during that time and do consider them friends, but you make it sound like it's a bad thing? You can be friends with people but not agree with them??
But what i do find really strange is that you use the terms "your board" "friendly with them" "tainted by the relationship" "biased in their favour" as if they are against us?? You make it sound like it's an us and them situation, they are not the enemy but do they get it right all the time, absolutely not.

I can accept we all have different opinions but find it ridiculous that just because some of my views/opinions may align with some of the things the club is doing that i'm biased, rose tinted or whatever the ridiculous insinuation is this week. Why can't people understand that they are MY VIEWS and in no way influenced by ANYONE connected or not with the board/club, anyone that knows me will tell you that.

You seem to have an opinion of what you think my views are but may be surprised as i am also not happy about a lot of things, however i choose to speak directly to the club about them and try to improve things that way rather than just have a moan on the forum and leave it at that as I just don't think it does any good criticisiing the club in public. I would rather raise my concerns face to face as i have done at the shareholders meetings, meet the manger meetings and face to face whenever i am unhappy about something and believe me i am unhappy about a lot of things atm. But just coming on the forum and having a moan without any real input does nobody any good imo.

The club belongs to all of us so we should all be working TOGETHER to try and improve things.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 8:13 am
by M1 South
Some good valid points made there but I have stated before that (Steve Irving apart) the board members are downstairs in Champs bar pre match (where we’re not allowed) sit in their own section by the dug outs (where we’re not allowed) go back down to Champs bar at half time (where we’re not allowed) then straight back down there again post match (where we are definitely not allowed)
As for the last ‘Meet the Manager’evening that seemed to be invitation only for an exclusive few? And I’m saying this as a Shareholder, S/T holder & Dfcsa member!!
So it begs the question (again) Are the board really that approachable & do they even want to be ??


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 9:21 am
by Park Life
Fair comments M1 and hopefully will be taken on board, I have my own views as well which I will mention directly to the club.
I'm pretty sure the last meet the managers meeting was open to all DFCSA members but all I heard from our previous manager was more of the same........


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 10:33 am
by The Duke
The role of a " Fans Ambassador " is to take the democratic views of the Fans to the Board and NOT the F As own personal views , the Board [ minus1] have shown no inclination to consider the Fans views and most of them are there for the Jolly Boys Outing " !!!!!


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:48 pm
by Ozytalksbull
100% duke , spot on as always


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:05 pm
Sounds like DFC have started to listen. Being reported that both food pods are being run by DFC from now on. One a sweet pod, car park end and the usual burger, chips etc the other end.
Also early bird season tickets extended till 9th June.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:27 pm
by Park Life
If it was down to me I (and i will ask) I'd extend the free youth and child season tickets offer for the whole season.
Don't seen why not.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:48 pm
by M1 South
They are asking for fans suggestions for the name of the new food pod??
I have nominated
‘Burger me senseless’ !!


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:31 pm
by rambo
Park Life wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 5:27 pm If it was down to me I (and i will ask) I'd extend the free youth and child season tickets offer for the whole season.
Don't seen why not.
Totally agree PL , not being a youth aged 12/16 I had not realised this offer had a time limit
This is ridiculous from DFC , shooting themselves in the foot , the offer should remain open until at least the start of the season and beyond. It should also apply up to the age of 18
The club need to look after and encourage young fans not disappoint and alienate them at every opportunity


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:59 pm
by Lars Resort
Sweet pod!!!?
We already have kids eating a ton of chips, all they need now is a sugar kick for that healthy diet.
I get fed up trying to avoid slipping on that half portion of soggy chips with sauce, trying not to break my neck on concrete steps.
I'm no health guru but a sweet pod?
What about the programme guy who is sitting in the cupboard? Couldn't he expand his business selling some club merchandise also, with a little help from a Dartford official?
And no, I'm not a sweet pod 🤭🧙


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 7:07 pm
by Dave T
M1 South wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 5:48 pm They are asking for fans suggestions for the name of the new food pod??
I have nominated
‘Burger me senseless’ !!


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 10:26 pm
by Nin
Lars Resort wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 6:59 pm Sweet pod!!!?
We already have kids eating a ton of chips, all they need now is a sugar kick for that healthy diet.
I get fed up trying to avoid slipping on that half portion of soggy chips with sauce, trying not to break my neck on concrete steps.
I'm no health guru but a sweet pod?
What about the programme guy who is sitting in the cupboard? Couldn't he expand his business selling some club merchandise also, with a little help from a Dartford official?
And no, I'm not a sweet pod 🤭🧙
you seem very bitter and not sweet. :lol:


Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 11:55 pm
by The 5th Searcher
It seems to me that the board are slowly but gradually trying to make some changes and improvements for the better and some of which people actually wanted and yet some are still not happy and moan about the board or changes.

I think it’s almost a case of damned if they do and damned if they don’t. There’s just no pleasing some folk.

Hopefully with the club now taking over the two pods the quality of food will improve but it’s all extra money into the club now rather than into somebody else’s pocket.

I’m guessing that the sweet pod at the car park end will just be sweets, crisps, hot / cold drinks stuff like that and the main pod at the college end will do all the hot food. PLUS we’ll now have the extra bar to make even more money which can only be a good thing.

I know a few on here have had their moans about the board but what I would like to know is what each board member/director actually does, ie what exactly is their role on the board. Are they purely there because they’ve put a few extra quid into the club OR do they actually have a specific job role that they have to do such as sponsorship, promoting the club, advertising, hospitality packages, getting the best energy deals & best prices on the beer with a brewery or supplier.

Obviously we all know Steve is the Chairman, Tony is basically director of football and in charge of the youth / academy but what about the others?????

I know when I’ve been to the Shareholders AGM’s there’s been quite a few board members sat at the top table but I haven’t a clue who a lot of them are or what they do for the club.

May be somebody else knows or can answer the question.


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 6:47 am
by Lars Resort
I have no grief with the Board just a few of the decisions that are now being made through 'fan pressure '?
Knee jerk, may be. But having made my point on the Sweet pod, the very next morning (today) I see that the health authorities are 'worried' re obesity in the under 40's. No shit Sherlock.
Good food is a priority and for the club to bring the money in by taking it on themselves is great but I hardly think the attendance will pick up because there's a new Sweet pod at Princes Park.


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 7:34 am
by Sleightly Deceptive
They should have turned one of those pods into a prayer room last season!


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 10:18 am
by M1 South
In Pod we trust!!


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 11:25 am
by Taunton Dart
Sleightly Deceptive wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 7:34 am They should have turned one of those pods into a prayer room last season!
Why give God an impossible task - even he couldn't repair the damage done by Dowse


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 1:09 pm
by The Duke
I dont agree Patrick, IF Ady recruits well and gets the spirit back into the team that ALL Darts fans badly want and we have an enjoyable season with a reall ygood shot at promotion then Dowson will get forgotten and we will develop into a really good Club we once were !!!!!

I am really looking forward to this coming season !!!!!!