Truro City v Dartford Tue 26 Mar 2024

Man of the Match

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Lars Resort
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Lars Resort »

COME On you DARTS 🎯🎯🎯
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DA Mikey
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by DA Mikey »

Fair play to you hardy travelling souls. Hope it’s rewarding for you. We must not heap too much expectation on TB.

Gary C
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Gary C »

Undercover Elephant
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Undercover Elephant »

That’s rubbish!

Surely the pitch was frozen during the day it hasn’t just frozen!
M1 South
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by M1 South »

Kin ‘ell. !! The team must have already been down there??
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Dorset Dart
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Dorset Dart »

Deliberately left purchasing my National League TV subscription for tonight’s game until 6pm. Surely safe by then that the match would be on!!
Appalling that Truro could leave it this late and let the team travel all the way down.
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by KentC »

They must of had a clue, I was close to going . Any of you that travelled I feel for you but credit to you.
Hitchin Dart79
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Hitchin Dart79 »

Disgraceful decision! Only had 4 days notice of this weather down there! With a 500mile round midweek trip there has to be an element of common sense!
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Johndfc2 »

Well in this case 3rd time won’t be a charm. Seen the ground so I won’t be back this season. Discraceful decision
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The 5th Searcher
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by The 5th Searcher »

That’s absolutely disgusting from Truro City FC, a pitch inspection must of been planned beforehand.
To have a team travel all that way only for it to be called off so late is disgraceful, the pitch inspection should’ve been done hours before and a decision made knowing all full well that this weather was going to happen.

I feel more sorry for those that travelled all the way down there at their own expense, Truro should be made to reimburse the travel costs.
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Spike »

What a f***ing shambles. This game should have been called off this morning. Even the locals think so. Sitting in the bar with quite a few unhappy Darts fans. That's twice now. Truro are taking the p.
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Park Life
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Park Life »

If they had an inspection this morning and we've not had freezing temperatures since how the hell has the pitch frozen since then.
Absolute F*****G disgraceful decision.
Feel sorry for the players, officials and supporters who made the trip and have been well and truly shafted.

TRURO FC, you are a joke.
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by KentC »

It’s not necessarily the decision, it’s everything else .

They must of know there’s a risk yesterday, this morning and this afternoon.
They know supporters are travelling a long way on a Tuesday night and potentially taking time off work.
The timing of the announcement is shocking, why not do a pitch inspection at 2pm.
Is there a big difference from yesterday’s temperature. Couldn’t they have made an assessment at least based on yesterdays temperature and just send out a pre warning.

It’s a shame they can’t be held accountable and either lose the points or play the game at PP.
I know this is fantasy land but it’s just not ok.

To me there’s an arrogance, complete disregard and disrespect to the travelling supporters.
Fred OLness
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Fred OLness »

Gary C
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Gary C »

I understand that the team coach purposely delayed leaving until the all clear was given by TCFC.
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Park Life
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Park Life »

Absolute joke, there's no way they had an inspection this morning.
If they did get the ref who did the inspection to come out and say how the pitch was playable then but after no frost all day it's not know.
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by Harry »

Given the fact anybody travelling from Truro faced an hour or so journey, coupled with anyone from the Dartford area faced a 5 ish hour journey this is a disgraceful situation for both sets of players, management and most of all fans.

The tone of the messages released by Truro show utter contempt for the situation. No apology and no recognition that DFC have had to travel such a distance.

Truro should be offering the DFC fans sitting in the bar free drinks and the offer a free ticket to the fixture when played as a minimum level of courtesy.

Many fixtures in Kent/south east were called off this afternoon, even in the county leagues, absolute miss management by the Truro officials, to blame the referee for this is poor, clearly Truro club officials should have managed this better.

I wish everyone a safe return journey.
The Futures White
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by The Futures White »

Truro are passing the buck on to the match officials for the postponement. If any part of the pitch was likely to be an issue they should have asked for a pitch inspection before the team (and any supporters) set off. Leaving the decision down to the officials when they arrive an hour and a half before kick off is just appalling.
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024

Post by PeteSamson »

Was just tuning into the nationalleaguetv website prior to kick off to discover the game wasn't now showing on the schedule. Tune back into our forum and game is off!!

Not a satisfactory whatsoever. Really feel for those who have travelled to the game, including the team, having travelled that far too, so really can't believe this, even though most other games are off too.

I can recall going to an away Darts game which I think was at Harrow, when that game was called off with fans in the bar, just before kick off. But on that occasion it was a 3 pm kick off and the playing area along one side under the stand had not unfrozen and hence postponed.

Unlucky Darts. More time for TB to now work with the squad before the Bath City game and work his magic.

Mark Sweet
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Re: Truro City v Dartford Tue 16 Jan 2024 - POSTPONED

Post by Mark Sweet »

An absolute disgrace

Players, fans and probably even some staff would've taken time off work to travel for this fixture. It's a complete farce that 1 hour before kick off we are informed the game is off, especially when judging by pictures circulating twitter the pitch would never have been playable taking into account the freezing temperatures all day. Furthermore the Truro twitter account even confirmed the game was on.

That, combined with the news that Harvey has left has really pissed me off this evening.