Dowse post?

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Sleightly Deceptive
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Dowse post?

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

What happened to the “approachable” post initiated by Lenny? Can’t find it.
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DA Mikey
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by DA Mikey »

Before Rick has to state the obvious, it’s clearly been deleted owing to the serious insinuation contained within, despite numerous redactions made twelve hours later by the OP.

Freedom of speech is very important and I believe just as much as Ricky Gervais that jokes, banter and comedy are all simply words and thoughts which are harmless if not put into physicality. However, posting things on the internet is straddling that line and some things are better left to a private conversation with a known audience.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by rick »

Yesterday afternoon the person that started the topic, LennyLenny, asked me to delete it.
I had started a poll to see if people wanted to keep or delete it, but I thought it best to
grant his request.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

DA Mikey wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:41 am Before Rick has to state the obvious, it’s clearly been deleted owing to the serious insinuation contained within, despite numerous redactions made twelve hours later by the OP.

Freedom of speech is very important and I believe just as much as Ricky Gervais that jokes, banter and comedy are all simply words and thoughts which are harmless if not put into physicality. However, posting things on the internet is straddling that line and some things are better left to a private conversation with a known audience.
Thanks Mikey. I wasn’t aware that it was obvious that a serous insinuation was contained within it. Or, indeed, that later redactions were made. I’m taking it then, that someone knows that the contents of that particular post to be untrue? If that is the case then what was said is inexcusable. The only reason I posted here is because I had a, kinda, ‘invested interest’ in the original post having stated within it that I once had been the recipient of some offensive words by the alleged perpetrator which, whilst not proving anything, did kinda support an implied behaviour and possibly repetitive trait. A similar allegation was mooted following the Tonbridge away game. (Smoke / fire?) Did I also miss an explanation why the post was removed? I’m not being obstructive here, it’s a genuine ask. If the post was inaccurate, oh let’s say it, ‘made up’ - would it not have been good evidence to leave it there for ‘other’ reasons? Such instances in print don’t go ‘deleted.’ Yeah, for sure, Rick doesn’t need to justify his actions. This place is, after all, his ‘front room’ where we all ‘congregate’ to chew the Dartford FC fat. I’m just curious:
A) why post in the first place (what was the motive?)
B) did someone know that the contents were untrue?
C) or was it just a too ‘hot’ topic
Last edited by Sleightly Deceptive on Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

rick wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:14 am Yesterday afternoon the person that started the topic, LennyLenny, asked me to delete it.
I had started a poll to see if people wanted to keep or delete it, but I thought it best to
grant his request.
Ah - thanks Rick. I was writing as you posted. A difficult job you have.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Lennylenny »

Want to put this to bed once and for all, believe it or not , it don’t matter. I regret posting it on bus on way home before thinking about it , there was no motive no agenda and can see it wasn’t good for the club, this I have apologised for. I don’t like the football Dowse plays but don’t dislike him , he’s probably a great guy , I’ve never met him(apart from Boxing Day) . I will not be posting on the forum again or attending any games , so good luck to the Darts in the future , wish u all well.
Ajaxman DFC
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Ajaxman DFC »

It's a sign of the times I'm afraid. People take offence so easily. Passion within our national game is being stealthily eroded as it is.
Lenny expressed his feelings within the law. When expressing my own views I know what I legally can or can't get away with, but I've got no time for personal sensitivities.
It seems there are one or two out there that will rubbish a post without giving their reasons why or maybe they are just incapable of doing so due to limitations in their vocabulary.
This has always been a very good forum expressing different thoughts and view points through lively debate.
But yesterday it lost it's edge. There are still some good posters on here but they are gradually drifting like those on the terraces.
If there are comments made that don't break the law but are to be deemed best said in private, by self-appointed individuals (snowflakes) taking their own moral high ground, then what's the point of a forum?
I'll be buggered if I'm going to read page after page of brown nosing and hearing from people who don't like to say what they're really thinking in order to be liked. You don't get anywhere with yes men.
Tony H
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Tony H »

Lennylenny wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:46 am Want to put this to bed once and for all, believe it or not , it don’t matter. I regret posting it on bus on way home before thinking about it , there was no motive no agenda and can see it wasn’t good for the club, this I have apologised for. I don’t like the football Dowse plays but don’t dislike him , he’s probably a great guy , I’ve never met him(apart from Boxing Day) . I will not be posting on the forum again or attending any games , so good luck to the Darts in the future , wish u all well.
Lenny, you’ve absolutely no need to apologise mate nor should you stay away.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

Don’t go Lenny. Your posts are as relevant as the next persons. At least you ‘have a pair’ to apologise, if necessary, unlike many other self-proclaimed ‘important’ people in here who drip on with nonsense or party-line shite.
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Lennylenny »

Last post ☹️I’m not in any , way, shape or form saying anything I said didn’t happen it did infront of two trusted ex Dartford employees. I don’t know what serious allegation I made , never said he swore, was physical, threatening , nothing . It was a minor incident but alcohol fuelled I posted it , WHICH I apologise for. Those that without any knowledge of the incident then just tow the party line and go untrue, liar , Jackanory , without probably even asking Dowse if it was true . There’s a gambling saying , when the fun stops , stop, and that’s what I’m doing .I won’t be replying to those who will religiously come on saying good riddance , just posted this for those I will miss.
Ajaxman DFC
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Ajaxman DFC »

Lennylenny wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:43 pm Last post ☹️I’m not in any , way, shape or form saying anything I said didn’t happen it did infront of two trusted ex Dartford employees. I don’t know what serious allegation I made , never said he swore, was physical, threatening , nothing . It was a minor incident but alcohol fuelled I posted it , WHICH I apologise for. Those that without any knowledge of the incident then just tow the party line and go untrue, liar , Jackanory , without probably even asking Dowse if it was true . There’s a gambling saying , when the fun stops , stop, and that’s what I’m doing .I won’t be replying to those who will religiously come on saying good riddance , just posted this for those I will miss.
Lenny, stop apologising. You've nothing to apologise for. The forum is often at it's best immediately after a game when emotions can run high. I once called for Burman to be sacked after downing 6 pints of Kronenberg hours after an FA Cup defeat at home to Bromley. You can imagine the furore which followed after that.
If you walk away then whoever has upset you has won.
There will be times when people agree with your views and times when they don't.
And if they don't it's not your problem. Agree to disagree but if someone becomes condescending and vitriolic towards you then remember it says more about them than you.
Mark Sweet
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Re: Dowse post?

Post by Mark Sweet »

Lennylenny wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:43 pm never said he swore, was physical, threatening , nothing .
Ok so what did you mean by "genuinely thought he was going to lump me" and "don't believe he's approachable or you may find yourself in Darenth"

If that's not implying he's threatening then I'm not sure what is.

The post was extremely unnecessary, and you knew exactly what you was doing by posting it, and the fact you asked it to be removed suggests that you yourself regretted posting it.
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