The spirit of Dartford

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The spirit of Dartford

Post by Kebabus »

Here I am in Egypt getting some R&R (and warmth) and I check in to see my beloved Dartford being stuffed out of sight again.

Something is clearly wrong at our club, I’m not privy to the gossip any more but a blind man and one lifelong fan in the desert can tell that the present manager should go, thanks for trying but it’s going backwards and we didn’t even get some welcome distraction from a cup run.even the camels have the hump!

Board, have an emergency meeting and make the call before the terraces go completely quiet and sparse!
Ajaxman DFC
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Re: The spirit of Dartford

Post by Ajaxman DFC »

At this rate there'll be more chance of reconciliation in the Middle East than the club turning this one around.
Unless something is done quickly. Someone, somewhere must make a bold decision which puts the future of this club first.
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Re: The spirit of Dartford

Post by MINTY »

Spirit of Dartford, haha. That has long flown the nest. Regular supporters, ie season ticket holders, just cherry picking their games now.
Attendances dropping and will continue to do so, unless something is done.
Whitstable today had 1100 at an SCEFL match. step 5 ! Ok, it was against Faversham, the big crowd pullers in that league theses days, but come on. Chatham regularly get more than Dartford, they'll be waving to us as they pass us at the end of the season.
Dartford used to be crowd pullers, those days have long gone. Banning the youth, the future supporters of Dartford was a huge error, they'll go elsewhere and you can't blame them.
The Board acted in getting rid of King and replacing him with Dowse, who has had success in the past. Unfortunately for everyone this hasn't worked out.
The Board now have the hands tied as they gave him a 2 year contract i believe and now they can't afford to pay him off, but can they afford to keep him. Time Dowse has finished we'll be in the Ryman in front of 500+. The Board have to grow a pair and act.
Tall Dart
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Re: The spirit of Dartford

Post by Tall Dart »

Concerning comments from AD in his aftermatch interview. Players shouldn't need picking up after these heavy defeats apparently?! Unfortunately the shirt doesn't mean what it should to a number of players (like we have always been used to). I'm not sure how much longer the hope of a half decent signing, or if we can get on a good run can go....

Hard call time for the board, let the season run it's course and hope we stay up, but then what next season?!

What's going on behind the scenes, players seemingly not playing to their potential or just leaving (again not a DFC trait), why have we been poor, answer please Mr Douse it's your squad after all.

Don't worry we will win it next year if not this year :shock: , obviously the b#@##t is increasing next year with the drop in attendance.

The fact that people who are paid up as season ticket holders, debate if they can stomach attending says it all.
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The Duke
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Re: The spirit of Dartford

Post by The Duke »

I just cannot believe that IF we got rid of Dowse in January with 18 months left on his contract that we would have to come up with the whole 18 months pay in one ago as most Clubs have a clause that says payments stop when the guy got a new job and surely with the number of Financial Men we have on our Board we will NOT have left ourselves open for a " kicking "

I believe that Fans would return in numbers IF TB took over as he would give us an honest precis of the situation and he would get the backing from the Board to keep us in the NLS and I suspect several " comfortable players " would be on their bike !!
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