Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Man of the Match

Poll ended at Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:58 pm

Mitchell Beeney
Moussa Diarra
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Brandon Barzey
Joash Nembhard
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Sam Odaudu
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Baris Altintop
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Jordan Wynter
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Tyrell Miller-Rodney
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Luke Coulson
Harvey Bradbury
Paul Rooney
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Maxwell Statham (Sub)
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Archie Woods (Sub)
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Alex Wall (Sub)
Total votes: 21

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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023


Ozytalksbull wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:02 pm Kentc you have talked complete sense on the dfc forum for a very long time
The old boys club
“We Like Dave and steve there old school”
Yep very old school and way out of there depth now
No ambition and alienated many many fans
As you say ….run by mates for mates
Last edited by BRASSNECK on Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Park Life
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Park Life »

An absolutely dreadful performance and i've seen enough of them under Dowse.

We could easily have been 4,5 or even 6 nil down in the first 20 mins if it was not for Beeney making some good saves, a goal line clearance but mostly down to Hemel's piss poor finishing. Then we get awarded a generous penalty and somehow were 1 nil up. However that lasted barely a minute but we somehow made it to HT level which i think anyone who was there were more than happy with, if not somewhat amazed.
Second half we started with a bit more possession but in open play we created absolutely nothing, yet again. Hemel then got a penalty to go 2-1 up and we could still be playing now and would not have created a decent chance, let alone score.

I am fed up going to games watching boring negative football where we stick 11 men behind the ball and hope to score form a long throw, free-kick, corner or the occasional 40 yard diagonal cross when we occasionally get five yards into our opponents half. We do not have a single player with pace who can get behind our opponents and put in a decent cross, hardly any creativity and the only time we go about trying to attack is when we go behind but then we just throw another big forward up front and hope that will work. It's football from the dinosaur age and i'm sick to death of it. I feel really sorry for Harvey up front on his own as he works his socks off every game but is so isolated with no support and we create absolutely no chances for him in open play.

I have not gone to a game in ages now (including last season) where i am confident of a win or a good performance, i have absolutely no idea how we are going to play because we are so inconsistent. I can't see any overall improvement since Dowse has been here or believe we will go on a good run and end the season in the play offs with a real chance of promotion.

In all honesty far from "FIXING" the club, i think Dowse is slowing breaking it.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Someone's hit a nerve.
Undercover Elephant
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Undercover Elephant »

Park Life wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:06 pm An absolutely dreadful performance and i've seen enough of them under Dowse.

We could easily have been 4,5 or even 6 nil down in the first 20 mins if it was not for Beeney making some good saves, a goal line clearance but mostly down to Hemel's piss poor finishing. Then we get awarded a generous penalty and somehow were 1 nil up. However that lasted barely a minute but we somehow made it to HT level which i think anyone who was there were more than happy with, if not somewhat amazed.
Second half we started with a bit more possession but in open play we created absolutely nothing, yet again. Hemel then got a penalty to go 2-1 up and we could still be playing now and would not have created a decent chance, let alone score.

I am fed up going to games watching boring negative football where we stick 11 men behind the ball and hope to score form a long throw, free-kick, corner or the occasional 40 yard diagonal cross when we occasionally get five yards into our opponents half. We do not have a single player with pace who can get behind our opponents and put in a decent cross, hardly any creativity and the only time we go about trying to attack is when we go behind but then we just throw another big forward up front and hope that will work. It's football from the dinosaur age and i'm sick to death of it. I feel really sorry for Harvey up front on his own as he works his socks off every game but is so isolated with no support and we create absolutely no chances for him in open play.

I have not gone to a game in ages now (including last season) where i am confident of a win or a good performance, i have absolutely no idea how we are going to play because we are so inconsistent. I can't see any overall improvement since Dowse has been here or believe we will go on a good run and end the season in the play offs with a real chance of promotion.

In all honesty far from "FIXING" the club, i think Dowse is slowing breaking it.
I totally agree with your comments, I never used to miss a game now I am selective and if I’m honest just cannot be arsed to watch football from the Stone Age.
Home games yes have a season ticket, away selective!
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

Well, if Park Life is saying it. Then it is real. He has been quite fair and ‘balanced’ for a very long time. Very commendable too by the way. I can’t be like that. I called for Dowse to go a long time ago. And yet, he is still here, f*cking things up, because he wins the occasional game. It stinks. I’m a massive fan of Steve Irving and the Board but my patience is wearing VERY thin. Do something please.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Spike »

Park Life enjoyed it more than I did.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Lennylenny »

No dowse interview, let’s hope he’s gone
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by The 5th Searcher »

When you are getting the likes of Park Life & Spike making the kind of comments they have and especially saying time for a change then things really have got bad.
I don’t know how much longer the board can give Dowse to be honest because it’s just one piss poor performance after the next, it really is becoming a joke and Dowse’s interviews are nothing but waffle & drivel all the time. If anyone does it then it should be either Christian or Martin but please no more Dowse.
I honestly don’t have any confidence in this team whatsoever.
Fred OLness
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Fred OLness »

Very well said Park Life.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by ozymandias »

Can't we find a Moy/Henderson combo please. Bradbury must be getting fed up with a one man show that isn't a show.
Dowse's football is poor. With all the back room team behind him and still it's one step forward two back.
I must admit the interview with Steve Irving was , in a strange way, reassuring. But now it's turning a bit full of hot air.
For me Dowse is running out of time, this is a very lightweight squad that are not performing and are running out of time. I have been cherry picking my matches mainly because of the football being played.
A bit disappointed with what is going on now and with the present management cannot see it getting better anytime soon.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by rambo »

I asked a question on this forum a few weeks ago but got no answer as our fans probably didn’t know the answer. I wanted to know if dowse has a history of playing football in this outdated way( big strong men booting the ball up to a lone striker)
I would like dowse and his whole coaching team to go with him and to be replaced with footballing coaches.
If he stays we will finish about where we are in the table now and the crowds will drop to about 800/900
What do I think will happen?
I think the Board will stick with him and start next season with him and the results will be exactly the same and thd Board will have no option but to sack him about 8 games into next season
A sacking is expensive but I strongly feel the club should cut their losses and do it now putting everyone out of their misery
Sorry if I am being negative but the football we are playing is as bad as it was under Biddle many moons ago and in recent times under the comedy of Flanagan and Allen and frankly I have had enough
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Tony H »

There is time to turn this season around - Dowson must go now, Christmas will be too late.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Lennylenny »

We need to start advertising straight away so we have a settled team for xmas
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Jonty »

Maybe we can ask Reg & Arthur.
Bridge and a tunnel
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Bridge and a tunnel »

I was there today and for sure something has to change because clearly what we're doing at the moment isn't working
HH could have been out of sight in 20 mins but for Beeney and poor finishing
Love Harvey but he's fighting a losing battle,no service and no help,hopefull balls lumped up to him from just over the HW line,he must be questioning his future at the club
BB being subbed when TMR would have been a better choice?

And what's the news on Josh Johnson? Hoping he'd be playing today but yet again no info from the club
Oh well onto PP vWSM on Tuesday
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Number Six »

Sadly I don’t think Dawson will resign, so we’ll probably be stuck with his out of date football philosophy. I’m really struggling to drag myself to Princes Park to watch poor football and that’s with a season ticket.
Maybe instead of letting him try to build a community club the board will show a bit more ruthlessness and appoint a manager who is more likely to build a football team to achieve promotion or the club will just stagnate as a mid table NLS outfit with no ambition to progress. Very sad but if nothing changes I’m sorry to say that’s where we’ll be :oops:
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Spike »

It could have been 6-1 at half-time but for a combination of great saves from MOTM Beaney and woeful finishing by Hemel. They carved us open like a pumpkin on Halloween, but with less candy and more screaming. We were crap ...and it was cold and wet too.

I take no pleasure in what I'm about to post, but it really is hard work watching Dowse's team, there is no joy in it, no excitement, just dour negative football from a bygone era. It seems the plan is to set up strong, hope we don't concede too many and bang long balls up the middle in the hope that poor old Harvey will get on the end of one of them. We have absolutely no creativity in the team whatsoever and wing play and crosses are just a distant memory. We are so lacking in anything that remotely resembles entertainment that the highlight of the game is when Sam Oduadu chucks in one of his long(ish) throws that hopefully reaches the box and for a few seconds we can hope that a goal-scoring opportunity might result from the ensuing scuffle. Let's face it, our attack is about as threatening as a marshmallow cannon and overall we are about as entertaining as a lecture on the intricacies of accounting software.

There is no denying that Dowse's predecessor, was what some might describe as "high maintenance" and he did seem to have fallen out with so many people at the club, both management and those amazing people who work tirelessly to keep the club running behind the scenes. Personally I was disappointed by the decision, but I acknowledge that when so many important people feel the same way, it was understandable. However, when you break it down, the whole situation was little more than a clash of personalities ... admittedly dozens of people all clashing with the same personality, but nonetheless nothing more than that. However, I fear that Dowse was misled by this group and has been pre-occupied with what he calls "fixing the club" at the expense of focussing on the team. The "problems" in question were fixed the moment King walked out the door and that should have been the end of it. In my opinion the club was never broken and this nonsense has been nothing more than an unnecessary distraction and if anything, there is now a bigger disconnect between the club and the other 95% of people in the stadium, who are only here to be entertained by what happens on the pitch. The biggest problem we have now is apathy. Regular away fans have stopped coming because it just isn't pleasant to watch. In reality, I think we are more "broken" now than we were before. Something has to get better and quickly.
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by The Duke »

Dowse came in last season and inherited a team that he says was NOT his and we after a really good first 5 months of the season then proceeded to stay in the Play offs having had the buffer of the early points gained as our form from January 2023 onwards was average at best with several bloody awful performances . Dowse had ALL Summer months to bring in players [ that were his choice ] with I believe to be a decent budget although I accept not one of the biggest
What happened , we lost a very good GK in Dan Wilkes and another circa 3 other key players and signed on at least 3 with a history of regular injuries who hadnt played a full season for years and were told that we had some quality Academy lads were signed to the 1st teams squad , only Sam Odaudo has played some games this season and he has not matched his form of last season yet , no marquis signings , just players that other NLS teams were prepared to let go !!!
So far this season the quality of football and results in the majority of the games has been poor , sometimes dire and recent comments from die hard fans even they are p....d of with it
I think Dowse has had every chance over one and a half seasons to get the first team right and he has obviously failed and his antiquated way of playing football and old style Management is now out of date and I do not believe he is the man to take us forward

Once again I bought a season ticket which I have used for the 1st 4 games but NOT since , as whilst my health is not at its best and at a stretch I could go , the truth is that the current dross served up is not worth the effort so whilst I want the Darts to do well I will follow them on Live Stream /Twitter /Pure DFC until things dramatically improve !!!!
I am amazed that we are anywhere near the Play offs which just shows that other than 3/4 quality teams the NLS aint the great League that so called " Money men " are financing , IF an average team[ possibly Dartford ??] somehow scrapes through to the National Premier then I dread to think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Wing play????
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Re: Hemel Hempstead Town FC v Dartford Sat 28 Oct 2023

Post by Lennylenny »

King was sacked for the reasons given by the board, so if Dowse is guilty of all the same AND guilty of reducing crowds, Horrific interviews and horrible results and football played surely the board must show the same level of decision and sack Dowse! Huge , huge mistake to give him two year contract and expensive to buy him out BUT we have some good players, with a new enthusiastic manager and new ideas, we may still be able to have a good trophy run and a bash at play offs.