Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

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Sleightly Deceptive
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

BRASSNECK wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:39 pm
Ajaxman DFC wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:12 pm "Brass neck" meaning.

As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary.

"A type of behaviour where someone is extremely confident about their own actions but does not understand that their behaviour is unacceptable to others."

So there you have it.

You've been officially diagnosed.
I had mentioned it had been moved 3 times before you accused the club of having it moved.😎🤪
Wow! Why was it moved THREE times?
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by KentC »

rambo wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:25 pm It is still there under
Any Other Discussion

It was moved to where less people will see it. That’s not sarcasm
Last edited by KentC on Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by KentC »

What about poor performances?
What about club’s ambition ?
Where’s the tone of desperation to go up?

All very comfy well done board
Lars Resort
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Messing with people's emotions. 😳😩. God's teeth.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Nin »

even i can see why the thread was moved as it was to do with peter taylor initially.
whats peter taylor got to do with the first team?

im no forum expert but i can still see the post and over 1000 people have seen it and still theres whiners on this forum saying its hidden. maybe the forum should be taken down as admin moved a thread. kin'ell its like a nursery on here with cry babies.
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The Duke
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by The Duke »

I think the Board are right to back Dowse at this early stage of the season but IF the results do not improve then I believe they will have no option but to replace him

Most regular Fans have commented on Dowse's negative interviews and chucking his players under the bus and it just could be that he has " lost " some of the players backing as a result , some will NOT be motivated by being publically told that you are useless !!!!!!!!!

Its obvious something isnt right as on paper we have some decent players in our squad that are just not performing !!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime Fans are fed up with standard of football and NOT turning up at PP , I have a season ticket and I aint bothering to go to the Tonbridge game !!!!!!!!
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by MickW »

I'm glad that the board have seen fit to issue a statement and think it appropriate that Douse continues to have its support.
It is plain that injuries are having a major impact on performances at the moment, but hearteningly we are not getting battered and with a little more luck could still be in the cup and have several more league points.
There is little doubt though that the style of football is not what any of us wants or expects.
In my view it will improve as key players become available again and in the meantime we must weather the storm.
Should this not happen then it is only reasonable that Douse's position must come under scrutiny.
I have only contempt for those who question the board's ambition and commitment to the cause.
In the meantime I will continue to attend and support the team in the hope that an improvement occurs soon.
Tony H
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Tony H »

Lars Resort wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:33 pm Messing with people's emotions. 😳😩. God's teeth.
As always you’ve completely missed the context of this. Have a good day!
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Did I Tony? Missed the context, did I..
After seeing some of the posts on here I got so fed up with what was being said I probably did. I shut down, both my phone and mentally. So I suppose in a way, it messed with my emotions.
Only, it didn't. I got fed up.
Sorry if I upset you.
Yes, it is important what is happening, but bloody hell. Get a grip..
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Sincere apologies Tony. I can't bear another day like yesterday. I see from your last post it was 6am this morning. I am assuming you are off to/at work. That, or if you are like me, taking my second whizz of the night.
If you are at work, keep it up, you need to pay your NI so you can keep us old fogies in the lap of luxury we are currently in.
Good on you my friend.
But if you are taking your second whizz of the night you'll know how it feels.
Whatever, have a good day.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by tommytollbooth »

Can we stop the squabbling Gentlemen and get to the point in hand, is Alan Dowson the right man for Dartford FC. Somebody posted a few weeks ago we were lucky to be beaten in last seasons playoffs can you imagine this team in the National League. Looking at the boards statement we are stuck with him for the foreseeable future and I will continue to go to Princes park and hope we improve and start to win. This Saturday we play out of form Tonbridge like us knocked out of the FA cup and struggling in the League though its still early days. I seem to remember it was a defeat at Tonbridge that spelt the end for Flanagan and Coyle.
Tony H
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Tony H »

Lars Resort wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:33 pm Messing with people's emotions. 😳😩. God's teeth.
Again you’ve completely missed the context. Have a good day!
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by JCJ »

The board have made their statement and backed Dowse, I personally don't agree with it but all we can do as supporters of this club is to get behind the management and players and hopefully we will go on a good run and be up there challenging staying away from games is not helping in my opinion , so if we can lets get to the game Saturday and give the team our vocal support.

Be nice to know what the board come up with in helping the team get out of the problems we find ourselves in, are they making more money available for players? Has Dowse exhausted the budget ? It would be good for the club to do a meet the manager night as the Supporters association did. All supporter's need to be kept up to date with what is going on.
Lars Resort
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Lars Resort »

Okay, life's too short.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Jonty »

Well said Steve Irving.

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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by ozymandias »

I like Steve and Dave, old school. I think with the crap that's been flying around we needed someone of his stature within the club to come on here to settle things down. Or to give the Boards views.
Firstly, he didn't look stressed by the situation. He was supportive of both the players and Dowse. Yes, the club hasn't been playing great and I for one have not enjoyed the football under Dowse since he's been here .
Steve seems confident that things will pick up. I hope he's right. He covered all issues and gave it his best shot to calm things and in my opinion did it very well.
He has always been easy to approach and will always stop and talk.
Maybe we have to step back and give Dowse the chance to prove us wrong but we are a fickle crowd and obviously nerves are wearing thin. I've only been to two games myself and I'll be up on Saturday for what I hope will be the start of an upward climb in the league. But based on my two games I may put the circumstances under consideration and not jump in with both barrels.🤔⚽⚽
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Lennylenny »

It was a mixed interview most tho was right , we do miss block and bazley. Attendances aren’t bad compared to other clubs but we in this catchment area should be doing more, give free tickets away in schools , family admission price etc. The atmosphere was fantastic , the youth made it , the club used a sledgehammer instead of a mallet and ruined it , let’s hope bridges can be fixed. Social media is a two edged sword u can’t moan about it when u don’t like the views but praise it when it goes with u. Every club would want a Steve Irving , a true dartford bloke , he backs Dowse , saturday is a gimme, they are right poor according to a very good mate of mine who is a regular,after that let’s hope Dowse pays back those who have backed his style of football win, lose or draw.
Taunton Dart
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by Taunton Dart »

Steve Irving has just shown, yet again, why this club is in the safest possible hands. He has his finger fully on the pulse of what goes on and a tight rein on the budgets. There is no way that this club will over-spend as others do, everything will be controlled and budgets analysed closely, in this respect we are in the safest hands with Steve. As for the best for the football club as a whole he, and other key members of the Board, are DFC through and through and have brought us back from oblivion whilst still keeping the club on a solid footing. Steve, Dave, Tony and others will be hurting over the recent run of results, just like we all are. My only personal concerns are whether, as a whole, the squad are good enough and what changes the management team are going to do to make sure we win more games. With Dowse on a two-year contract, that was applauded as a great move when it was given, he has time to turn things around - a change before then would put a big hole in any budgets, but expect the Board to always do what is best and prudent for the healthy future of our beloved football club.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by KentC »

Nin wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:49 pm even i can see why the thread was moved as it was to do with peter taylor initially.
whats peter taylor got to do with the first team?

im no forum expert but i can still see the post and over 1000 people have seen it and still theres whiners on this forum saying its hidden. maybe the forum should be taken down as admin moved a thread. kin'ell its like a nursery on here with cry babies.

You complain about the behaviour you’re displaying, so If you don’t like it don’t engage. Hypocrisy through immaturity.

If you don’t understand I’m happy to explain it to you.

Think before you post next time.
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Re: Statement from the board - 19 September 2023

Post by KentC »

Nin wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:49 pm even i can see why the thread was moved as it was to do with peter taylor initially.
whats peter taylor got to do with the first team?

im no forum expert but i can still see the post and over 1000 people have seen it and still theres whiners on this forum saying its hidden. maybe the forum should be taken down as admin moved a thread. kin'ell its like a nursery on here with cry babies.

Also, my message to Rick was a private one not for the forum, it was also a question I asked him what I believe is more than fair to ask.

Me and Rick have since spoken amicably and are on good terms. It’s how adults behave so you may want to take note.

As said before, you may want to think before you post, it might help you.
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