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Post by ozymandias »

Whatever happened to Llamaman? Did he make the transition? :(
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Re: LLamaman

Post by Llamaman »

Hello Ozymandias, I'm still around but thought the old forum ended with such pathetic petty arguments couldn't be bothered to sign up to the new one.
The worst thing to my mind was that it was such an insult to Gary after all his work over the years, found that very annoying. The new forum seems to be going well and many thanks Rick for all his efforts. I may have signed up but a couple of bouts of poor health along with two people very close to me going down with serious illnesses has rather put football well down my list of priorities. Such fun getting old, hoping to be fit enough to actually get to PP before the end of the season, but will have to wait and see. In the meantime I'm following the games on the club twitter feed and hoping the upturn in the league form continues until the end of the season. PS, I notice Bonnyrigg having a good season up in the Lowland league, top of the table.
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

Hi Llamaman, good to hear from you. I hope you are feeling better and in these times, going to football games will have to take a back seat.
At the mo I'm not to well, only a head cold and cough but it does seem the older you get the longer it takes to shake these things off.
I missed the game yesterday and I am finding it a chore getting in the car to watch the lads. I'm hopefully feeling sorry for myself but the drive up is a pain. I have seen quite a few home games and a few aways this season.
Yes, Bonnyrigg are having a great season and I'm looking closely at how well Arbroath are doing too.
You take care and keep warm. The lad's are doing well without us.
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

I do know what you mean re the website and Gary's efforts. Rick's have had a few issue's including one concerning myself and there's me, wouldn't hurt a fly. :D
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

Hey, Llamaman. Bonnyrigg Rose made it into the SL I see. I am looking forward to seeing how they fair in Division 2. :D
Hope you are well.
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Re: LLamaman

Post by Llamaman »

Thanks for asking Ozymandias, I'm not too bad. Still not match fit due to NHS waiting list, but hopeful for the new season post op. and will be getting a season ticket as usual in any case. Well done Bonnyrigg they have got Celtic & Rangers in their sights now for regular league fixtures as they work their way up to meet Celtic and Rangers in regular Scottish Premiership fixtures, then Europe and the World. I have ben tempted to post from time to time, but apathy has won the day. Perhaps when I am sorted sorted healthwise my enthusiasm will return. It has amused me that that the main complaint against T.B. as manager was his direct style and Kingy his constant turnover of players and from the Woking fans post we will be getting a mixture of both but most importantly a good manager. He does seem a good fit for the Darts and wish him all the best. Another post was about the hoardings for the Council and a wasted income opportunity. Whatever one's political persuasion surely the grounds owner who rent it to the club at a peppercorn rent after forking out £7m to build it have earned their bit of recognition, think the virtually rent free agreement outweighs any possible advertising money. Now to see who stays and who the new faces there will be for 22/23.
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

I wish you all the best Llamaman and a speedy recovery.
Yes, not too sure on Dowson myself but then I wasn't that sure on King. I did end up liking Steve a lot in the end and must admit was shocked and disappointed at his sacking.But I'm sure the Board acted for the better of the club.
I'm sure that Dowson will find the same problems with finance, let's hope he has the same contacts in the game to bring a good mix of players to PP.
Once again, good health to you and hope you get back to PP quickly.
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

Come on the mighty Rose. Launching their Scottish league career today against the Mighty Forfar Athletic. Heady stuff.
Hope you are well Llamaman
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Re: LLamaman

Post by ozymandias »

Morning Llamaman, I hope I find you well and enjoying the Summer. Albion Rovers have dropped out of the SFL and have been replaced by The Spartans. Bonnyrigg Rose survived their first season and I'm looking forward to a better season ahead from them.
But what of The Spartans? Any info on them?
If you didn't get up to PP last season you didn't miss much. It was all pretty boring. Nothing happened. :roll: :o :shock:
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