KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

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The 5th Searcher
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KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by The 5th Searcher »

Well this certainly makes for an interesting read.

Not quite sure what to make of it. ... ll-286717/

Dartford manager Alan Dowson doesn’t know if he’ll be able to repeat a top-seven finish next season.

The Darts bowed out of the National League South play-offs on penalties for the second successive season - and the third time in four years - on Sunday at home to St Albans.

Dartford boss Alan Dowson says competition for play-off places in National League South next season will be tougher than 2022/23.

It meant Dartford’s second-placed finish in the league campaign ultimately counted for little.

With big teams coming down in Torquay and Yeovil, Dowson admits the challenge to earn promotion next season is going to be more difficult.

“It will be a lot tougher next year so can we compete in the top seven again? I don’t know,” said Dowson.

“I’ll have to go away in the next couple of days and think about that. The league will be stronger, we haven’t got the budget of other teams as you know, there will be teams with bigger budgets than us.

“Sometimes you have to look at yourself as well and think can I do it again? That’s what I’ve got to think of.

“I believed we could get a team in the play-offs this year. Can we do it next year? I think it’s going to be a lot tougher next year to be honest, especially with the money we pay.”

Dartford are seen as a big club at step 2, given their solid finances, excellent facilities and depth of support.

But Dowson insisted they’ve still got plenty of room for growth.

“I don’t know where the term big club comes from,” insisted the Dartford boss.

“We get watched by 900 people, we’re probably mid-table in the budgets so I think the lads have done very well. We’ve got to try and make it a big club. I’ve got to sit down and see what the budget is, and see if I can do it with that.

“I thought the budget I had this year I could get them in the top seven, I didn’t dream of getting in the top two, to be honest. Can we do it next year?

“That’s what happens every year, we get into the play-offs and fail. I haven’t done much different to the last guy (Steve King).

“It’s miles harder (next season), Yeovil and Torquay are coming into it and Weymouth stayed up. There will be tough sides in it, ones who are full-time.

“I didn’t think it would be tough this year and it wasn’t but next year is going to be tougher. We’ll always lose players to [the likes of] Welling and Maidstone, things like that, so unless anything happens I can’t see that changing.

“I think we’ve got to look at ourselves as a club as well and see where we want to go. I’m proud of the players and what people have done but at the end of the day it’s disappointment isn’t it.”

Dartford will remain part-time next season and their sustainable budget means Dowson can’t splash the cash on one or two marquee signings. That’s not stopped the Darts boss already making plans for his moves in the summer transfer market.

He added: “The board would like to get promotion but we haven’t got the funds to go full-time or get a player on £600 or £700 a week, things like that.

“We just haven’t got the money to do that. We’ve got to try and find the best ones that we can, it’s still early doors.

“They would have got tapped up by a few clubs and I’ve talked to quite a few players to be honest over the last three or four weeks. The quicker I can get to work, the better.

“I’ll just crack on with it, that’s all you can do. Somewhere along the line we’ve got to get some players in, get some out and work with the budget.”

Darts skipper Tom Bonner and midfielder Samir Carruthers were both named in the National League South team of the season.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by The Duke »

Unnecessary interview by Dowse , just sometimes he is best keeping his thoughts to himself !!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Undercover Elephant »

The 5th Searcher wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 6:32 pm Well this certainly makes for an interesting read.

Not quite sure what to make of it. ... ll-286717/
Really negative comments, he would be better off saying it’s going to be a tough season but looking forward to the challenges it brings!
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Park Life »

Saw this early yesterday morning but didn't post it because I think it's.......... not great :( :(
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by ozymandias »

Things not looking good for next season. Thought's similar to Steve King as regards where he wants to be as a club. But these managers know about our Budget before they take on the job. He's got to live with it or go somewhere where there's money to play with. Cos he's definately NOT going to get it at PP. :roll:
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Spike »

It's a dreadful interview and it sounds like he's given up already. I was just starting to get over last week's disappointment and looking forward to an exciting new season and this pessimistic and defeatist interview has just stamped all over my enthusiasm. Dowse appears to be prepping us all for mid-table and how such negativity is supposed to help boost the "900 fans" or attract new players I simplly don't understand. These sort of thoughts should be kept to yourself. I don't expect Churchillian speeches, but a bit more "fight them on the beaches" and a bit lless "sh** were fu**ed" would be a start.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Mark Sweet »

It's definitely a strange interview. I get that Dowse needs to manage expectations as everyone who follows this league knows it's going to be tougher next year

He should have confidence in himself and the players, he has said himself he overachieved last year so why can't he do it again? We all know we can't compete financially with some of the teams in the league and Dowse would've known this before coming in.

I hope and I'm sure that the board will back him and he'll make a mark on the squad this year.

Let's not write the season off before it's even started.

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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by The Duke »

Echo everything thats been posted , Dowse needs to do two things :

1 Pop along the corridor and have a chat with a guy who took us into the National League and finished 8th with a TEAM who would almost die for him and the Club and were NOT on big money , the seige mentallity works great IF you have a leader who is a believer !!!

2 Before he does an interview he needs to run it across Martin Tyler [Press Savvy "] with his vast experience would point him the the right direction to stop him making these type of comments

I cant see anything wrong in paying £600/£700 per week for a 20 goal striker [or any other key player] , a minimum wage earner now earns £400 per week and [ with due respect] they dont entertain anyone !!!!

Just imagine IF we had got promoted with Dowse's current thinking ??????????
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Park Life »

Mark Sweet wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 11:09 am Let's not write the season off before it's even started.
I hadn't and WAS feeling quite optimistic until I read that interview, now????
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by JCJ »

Strange interview from Dowse,

I read it and thought good job we are not going up this season if we cannot compete with some of the clubs in NLS just think what it would have been like in NL, Much bigger clubs than Welling & Maidstone to contend with.

I'm sure the board had a plan for extra Money to use on players if we got promoted but in my opinion the club need to implement some of it to get into the league above rather than wait and see if we get into it.

I'm sure I was told that the budget was bigger than what we had last season and as much as some did not like him Kingy got us in the play-off positions each season he was here, and TB got us promoted and to a couple of other play-off's, so what has changed yes we have three clubs with possibly bigger budgets than us coming into the league next season but we also lose Ebbsfleet and either Oxford or St Albans, so what other clubs does Dowse think we cannot compete with?

If we cannot compete with the teams in our league financially is it time to let a investor into the club? If Eastbourne have people interested in them I'm sure people would be interested in Dartford, yes it has it risks and we do not want to put the club at risk and lose it as happened before but what is the alternative, stagnate in this league or even worse drop down leagues.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by ozymandias »

He's thinking 'can he do it again'? 'That's what he's got to think of'. Bugger me! He's sounds as though he's beating a hasty retreat. Scarpering.
I'd like to think he'd give it a go and show us what sort of manager he really is.
Get some players in who want to play for our club. Defeatist talk.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Skip »

Extremely disappointed in the majority of Dowse’s comments. I thought the bloke was a fighter but instead appears to be something of a whinger. At the recent Meet the Manager gathering he stated this was the best run football club he’d been involved with. I suggest he convey the benefits of a well run club over the shyster types that withhold salaries when things get tough when he speaks to any potential new signings. It’s not all about money when the players decide what club to sign for. And if the level of support is a concern then have a look at the entertainment on display. The quality of football in the new year was turgid at best which was disappointing to say the least after smashing Ebbsfleet 4-1 and 4-0 over Christmas.

I think Dowse has done a great deal to rediscover the community spirit at the club and also has to be applauded for encouraging progression of academy players into the first team squad. But he is ultimately judged on delivering first team success; so If he has concerns over the competitiveness of the budget he should address this with the board and not air his worries with all and sundry in the local rag. His comments suggest a downgrade on performance and therefore entertainment which will not be acceptable next season for the vast majority of supporters. Over the last two seasons we’ve lost big budget Dorking and Ebbsfleet and these will be replaced by ex-League sides Yeovil and Torquay. May I kindly suggest third place is a reasonable aim if he hasn’t the fight for the top two spots? Oh, and by the way, that massive outfit, Oxford City, just cemented promotion to the NL with a comprehensive dismantling of St Albans…
Skip (now residing in Suffolk)
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Park Life »

I wasn't going to post in detail about this interview but i keep getting reminded about it and it has really pissed me off. I've now also lost all my enthusiasm for the new season and I'm not the only one who feels the same.

I was really looking forward to next season as i thought Dowse would improve the squad and we'd be in with a decent shout of promotion again.
But now according to him we are just a little club with a little budget who may struggle to get in the top seven! How are those comments going to help attract players or get supporters to renew season tickets?
Luckily enough we don't get the "900 attendances" he quoted but may well now, I think excluding the play offs we averaged just over 1100 last season, but down 200 on the previous.

Not sure if he's had his couple of couple of days thinking about whether he feels we can finish in the top seven or if he can "do it again" but better hurry up or he'll be a week behind again and won't be able to assemble a squad in time :roll: :roll:

As for the "Big Club" title, don't know where that's come from as I can't recall Darts fans saying it as our expectations have always been pretty realistic.

I'm not sure Dowse realises how much harm that interview has done with the supporters and some will say it's just Dowse being Dowse, but regardless I do want him to carry on as i feel he's done a good job.

However, that interview suggests he's not sure and that is a worry which will linger in every supporters head all season.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by The Duke »

Whether he realises it or not Dowse has driven a wedge between him and Darts fans , many who have supported the Club [ through good and bad times] for 50 years plus and his comments are hurtful ,disrespectful and smacks of " Billy Big B......ks " , he has received great support from these same fans and I suspect [including me ] that many will now not back him with the same enthusiasm as before , all I can say is that IF we as a small club with no ambition [ or decent budget ] and he is demotivated by that then I dont want him to be unhappy so best find a job elsewhere , its a fact that no man is bigger than the Club !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by DA Mikey »

In all honesty, I doubt AD intended his words to come out quite like they have, but that does seem to happen with him from time to time.
When Dowson took up the mantle a year ago, a couple of Woking fans came on here and basically gave us a portent of what we should expect - social interaction; involvement of local businesses; good community spirit and some decent success on the pitch, despite many confusing and at times embarrassing pieces to camera.
It does come across that the words are coming out faster than the head can process.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Park Life »

OK, he's back on my Christmas Card List.... :) :) ... al-286966/

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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Spike »

Fair play to Dowse, that's a much more positive and constructive interview. They obviously caught him at a low point, just after the St Albans game, and he clearly regrets coming across so negatively. Time to put all that aside and move on.

Excllent news if we do sign Harvey Bradbury as he's a bit of a handful and seems to know where the goal is. Not only that, but he's only 24 and it would be nice to have fully fit players who could possibly play 40+ games a season. It doesn't matter how talented you are if you're sitting on the bench.

Harvey would be a good start as I am hoping to see Dowse bring in some of his own original signings this season. Arriving late as he did, Dowse's pre-season recruitment was the one area that didn't quite live up to expectations last season, although he still managed to massively exceed expectations in every other aspect. It's testimony to his tactical prowess that he got the team into a very creditable 2nd place. We've got a decent core of players but hopefully Dowse will be able to strengthen it with a few new and exciting names before battle commences.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Skip »

Spot on, Spike. Definitely want we want to hear from our manager and certainly the sort of positive vibe I had when Dowse was originally appointed. Im sure the new signings will justify our rediscovered optimism.
Skip (now residing in Suffolk)
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by Park Life »

Here's another one and it's all systems go.

COYD ... st-287123/
Last edited by Park Life on Fri May 19, 2023 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KentOnLine Interview with Dowse.

Post by ozymandias »

Does it come across that he really likes the club? Perhaps he was on a downer soon after we lost, as were many Alan, as were many.
I'm glad he's put things right and that he's still with us. Apart from B&WArmy, he has a lot of support on here. :D
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